October 5, 2017

The Ultimate Guide to Halloween Costumes

Some people dread it, some live for it, but there’s no avoiding October’s crowning holiday- Halloween. For those who revel in the opportunity to stretch their creative bones, Halloween is a holiday to go all out. If the idea of putting on a costume makes you want to fast track until Christmas, see below for a list of tips and tricks (or treats) for a fool-proof Halloween.

  1. Be who you want to be. Halloween is a chance to indulge in an alternate identity. Want to wear a wedding dress? Paint yourself blue? Dress like a character from The Matrix? Tonight is for you.
  2. Pop culture is good. If it’s not too If you’re going to dress as one of your favorite characters, do it with flair and don’t pick something that was a unanimous sensation that year (I’m looking at you, Game of Thrones fans) or even worse, last year (I’m looking at you, anyone planning to dress as a political figure.) 
  3. Use what you have. Before you brave the dreaded Halloween store, get creative with your own closet. With many costumes requiring basics such as plain colored t-shirts, leggings and other wardrobe staples, you might have more to work with than you realize.
  4. Be clever. Not “I’m dressed as myself” clever. Rely on idioms, puns and play-on-words to make your costume a hit. Sometimes this can be cheesy but someone is bound to get a kick out of it.
  5. Don’t be offensive. Self-explanatory.
  6. Think thrift. There’s a reason that thrift stores are a mecca for good Halloween costumes – people donate things from every decade. From overalls to ugly sweaters; 80’s prom gowns to authentic poodle skirts… the thrift store is your saving grace in a costume crisis.
  7. Use the internet. At this point, there are enough articles on this topic to keep you in a fresh and creative costume until Halloween 2085. A google search and an Amazon Prime account will grant you last-minute accessories, rare props or specific details you might need without having to gird your loins before tackling your local Party City in late October.
  8. Take it easy. Halloween is a holiday that doesn’t require presents, cooking or obligatory time with distant relatives. Fall is a season to be enjoyed and Halloween can be a part of it. Don’t stress. Don’t take it too seriously.
  9. Play the part. Once you have found a costume, don’t miss the opportunity to get the perfect shot for Instagram. Round-up your pumpkins, pour a cider and give fall a proper send-off. See some of C&A’s best Halloween costumes below.
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