April 20, 2015

2026…Is It Too Early To Start Talking USA’s 250th Birthday?

The United States turns 250 on July 4th, 2026. So how does a nation this powerful celebrate its birthday?  Who is involved in the planning? And better yet – why are we even talking about a celebration that is over ten years away?

The answer: 

This organization USA250 may not ring a bell – but soon enough you (and your future children) will learn that this was the group of Philadelphians behind the big plans to make America’s 250th birthday a transformative moment for the city and region. 

USA250 plans to make Philadelphia the star of America’s 250th anniversary year in 2026.  The organization has teamed up with the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau and Visit Philadelphia to design a robust tourism initiative for the city: a multi-year series of events, exhibitions, and conventions. In 1976, Philadelphia hosted the MLB, NHL and NBA all-star games as well as the Final Four. USA250 is pursuing similar events and more for 2026.

Celebrating the passage of time since 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed is a big project. 10 million people came to West Fairmount Park for the Centennial in 1876 – that was nearly 1 in 4 Americans at the time! The group is needs your support and ideas to launch planning the country’s 250th.

On April 30, USA250 is hosting the Toast250 celebration from 6-8pm at the Independence Visitor Center. Join USA250’s Board of Directors and Founders Circle to plan a transformative anniversary project for our nation in 2026.

Toast250 is a chance to network with a diverse range of leaders and young professionals from Greater Philadelphia’s cultural, business, civic and political sectors and help imagine, plan and convene our nation’s anniversary celebration.

If you have not yet done so, you can click here to get tickets. Watch the teaser video.

Join: attend, sponsor, spread the word!

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